Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It isn't over yet...

Last week Zoe and I presented our market goodies to the Cumberland Farmer's Market membership ( with the goal of being accepted into their fold. I had examples of my different apron designs along with my new reversible headbands and fabric corsages and Zoe presented a number of necklaces, many of them newly created. There were a number of other hopefuls and many fellow vendors from the Brunswick Winter Market.

Zoe and I were accepted and soon will have to make the decision of which of their various town markets we want to work. The umbrella of the Cumberland Farmer's Market covers Cumberland, Freeport, Yarmouth and Falmouth. It is proving to be a tough decision and we find we can consider two of the four markets, those two being the only ones we can attend due to our other jobs: Freeport on Friday afternoons and Cumberland on Saturday mornings. We have considered trying both days but before we have even made the decision official, I fear two markets a week will be too much to handle on top of the rest of my life's duties: shopping for fabric, sewing, marketing and making time for eating, creating the sembelance of order in my home, interatcing with my family, caring for my animals - ad infinitum.

In the meantime, I must sew, sew, sew.

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